Myrto Legaki
Myrto Legaki is a certified mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program instructor, trained at the University of Massachusetts OASIS Mindfulness Center which is part of the Medical School and Brown University Mindfulness Center, which is part of the School of Public Health. She is also trained to teach mindfulness to children and youth, and specialized in trauma-sensitive mindfulness.
She has been trained by the pioneer scientists that introduced mindfulness practice to the world, such as Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Joseph Goldstein, Saki Santorelli, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Tara Brach. She practices systematically since 2010 and is under supervision from Brown University.
She holds a Corporate Finance Bachelor’s degree from Piraeus University in Athens, Greece and a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) from Boston University. Following her studies, she worked for 15 years as a management consultant and marketing manager in New York, London and Athens, in high-level positions of multinational companies.
Myrto is the founder of One Breath Mindfulness Center, which is recognized as a pioneer organization in Greece that offers scientifically based education and mental health programs that combine neuroscience and mindfulness to the general population as well as organizations.
She has collaborated with the Hellenic Society for Medical Oncology and Patients Associations in Greece regarding the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions for prevention and improving quality of life.
Myrto regularly participates in scientific conferences as a speaker regarding issues around mindfulness, mindful leadership, mindfulness in society and women empowerment. She is a volunteer mentor and TEDx speaker.
Conferences & Interviews
“Mental Agility & Resilience to Thrive in Turbulent Times” keynote presentation at the HR 360 international conference in Cyprus, for Human Resources executives.
The transformative power of silence and mindfulness speech at TEDx University of Macedonia.
“How can mindfulness support Human Resources professionals” keynote presentation at the 17ο conference for Customer Service.
Supporting Alma Zois breast cancer patients association offering mindfulness sessions during the Greece Race For The Cure 2022 event.
”Burnout in mindfulness terms” interview for the Well Played podcast.
“How can organizations protect employees from burnout” article in Women Leaders magazine.
“The science and practice of mindfulness in the workplace and bbeyond” keynote presentation at the 2nd Elevate annual member meetup of Lean In Network.
“Mindfulness, cancer and chronic disease” keynote presentation and interview at the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology’s conference at Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Keynote presentation regarding our “Mindfulness in Education” program at the 10th Panhellenic Conference of Child Psychotherapy with Dr. Petros Polychronis (AKMA Director).
“Mindfulness, health prevention and cancer” article in Oncology News publication by the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology.
"Mindful Leadership and Wellbeing" keynote presentation at the 10th HR in Action conference.
Keynote presentation “Finding your path” at the 3ο Live A Legacy event, organized by Mastercard and Women on Top organization for women empowerment and gender equality.
Άρθρο της Μυρτώς Λεγάκη στο περιοδικό Women Leaders σχετικά με τη συμβολή της συνειδητής εργασίας στη μείωση του άγχους
Keynote ομιλία στα πλαίσια της διοργάνωσης Ημέρες Καριέρας 2019, σχετικά με το mindfulness στον χώρο της εργασίας
Συμμετοχή στο συνέδριο EO One Level Up για διεθνείς επιχειρηματίες και startups, με keynote presentation και workshops για το mindfulness και το wellbeing
Συνέντευξη στο podcast Giati Oxi με θέμα την επιστήμη γύρω από την πρακτική του mindfulness και τον τρόπο που υποστηρίζει τη ζωή μας
Συνέντευξη στο podcast The Success Jar, σχετικά με τη δύναμη της επίγνωσης στις επιχειρήσεις και την αντιμετώπιση του άγχους
Συμμετοχή στο πάνελ ομιλητών του Impact Talk, με θέμα την ευεξία στις επιχειρήσεις ως δομικό συστατικό της κουλτούρας και στρατηγικής ενός οργανισμού
Συμμετοχή στο 15o Πανευρωπαικό Συνέδριο Σωματικής Ψυχοθεραπείας που έγινε στην Αθήνα με το workshop "Journey to the Heart" συνδυάζοντας σωματική ψυχοθεραπεία με την Κάλλη Αλεβίζου, φωνή και ζωντανή μουσική με την Κατερίνα Πολέμη και κινητικό διαλογισμό Open Floor με τη Μυρτώ Λεγάκη.