Άρθρα & Έρευνες
Επιστημονικές Έρευνες
“Stress management & mindfulness in the workplace” (2014, American Management Association)
“Examining workplace mindfulness, its relations to job performance & turnover” (2013, Human Relations - The Tavistock Institute)
“Contemplating mindfulness at work - an integrative review” (2015, Journal of Management)
"Effective and viable mind-body stress reduction in the workplace: A randomized controlled trial" (2012, American Psychological Association)
“Unleashing the power of mindfulness in corporations” (Boston Consulting Group)
“Why Google, Target and General Mills are investing in mindfulness” (Harvard Business Review)
"The surprising way Goldman Sachs employees maintain their competitive edge" (Business Insider)
"How meditation benefits CEOs" (Harvard Business Review)
”Can mindfulness training help organizations be more effective” (Forbes)
"The journey of personal and organizational wellness" (Aetna)
"At AETNA, a CEO's management by mantra" (New York Times)
"Mindfulness is AETNA CEO's prescription for success" (Huffington Post)
“There's no price tag on a clear mind: Intel to launch mindfulness program” (The Guardian)